Sunday, August 26, 2018

Cascade Parks

Earlier this month we had a 5-day block off work to explore. This time we ventured northish to visit more of the Cascades. Starting with Mt. St. Helens. It was hot so we opted to camp with electricity. Running the air conditioning not only made lil' yeti more comfortable. That also eased the thermal strain on a fridge ready for last rites. With that strategy Seaquest State Park fit the bill. We arrived early enough Monday afternoon to leave the A/C going and visited the national park.

Visibility was hazy due to smoke from BC wildfires. Still we enjoyed two different films about the park. Plus a scenic drive up and back WA-504 despite the haze. Sometimes context is everything. Sometimes a visit isn't just about the park. Hoffstadt Bridge is a captivating example.

It was built in the aftermath of St. Helen's devastating 1980 eruption.

Devastation to the region also harmed the timber industry.

I'm not sympathetic towards Weyerhauser et al when I see clear cut hills with only stumps and scrub remaining. But there's usually more than one side to every story.

Maybe I should return in another decade to see for myself. At this point I will say that noble firs along 504 were doing well to spruce up the landscape.

Tuesday we ambled over to Mt. Rainier.

That national park has three RV friendly camping areas. We entered from the southwest. So our middle of the park was the southeast. We scored one of the last available sites at Ohanapecosh CG. It was primitive (no hookups) and generator hours were limited. But it was cool enough to get by without A/C. Moreover, we probably had the only site in the park with its own bridge!

We explored the Grove Of Patriarchs before dinner.

Sometimes interesting things to see await mere steps from your campsite.

Just in case that wasn't obvious.

Wednesday after leaving Rainier from the northeast we did a culture flip. We headed for Bellevue and squozed into a campsite at Vasa Park.

Why?! Full hookups to leave the A/C running and a take a proper shower to clean up. Then we drove into Seattle and fed a parking meter. All to catch up with a nephew I hadn't seen in half a decade and to meet his GF. Over sushi no less. Momiji didn't disappoint.

Thursday we renormalized our lifestyle by fleeing the megapolis east into North Cascades NP. Despite worse BC haze from wildfire smoke that country was beautiful. We chose to play through. Vowing to return someyear. Budgeting enough time to go slow and deep. And actually found a lovely county park in Chelan at Beebe Bridge on the Columbia River. The grounds were immaculately kept. For $30 we got electricity and elbow room.

In the wee hours we awoke to a pitter patter on lil' yeti's roof. While barely a drizzle that's the most rain we'd had all summer in the "rain shadow" parts of WA state. Of course it also lulled us right back to sleep. So no complaints.

Friday we returned to Conboy refuge through Yakima for groceries. That's the second time we got to enjoy that drive from Goldendale to Glenwood. The highway winds down to cross the Klickitat River. With commanding views across the valley on both sides. That area deserves more attention as well. So much to see. So little time. Not a bad problem.