Thursday, September 27, 2018

Brite iDear?

Some time ago I found a nifty work light. It's LED and works on either AC or DC.

The only problem was the AC cord was permanently attached. The extra cord was always in the way when plugged into a vehicle. My solution was to replace the AC power cord with a removable cord and outlet harvested from an old computer.

Except the light's housing was too thin for the plug to completely recess. A spacer was needed. Seemed like high time to try an idea that'd been stuck in my brain for a while. I'd already invested in a great scroll saw. It's perfect for cutting work pieces much larger than the saw. For small stuff, bandsaws are ideal. But big shop tools aren't travel friendly. So I inverted the scroll saw.

That worked quite well. The saw was firmly stationary so I could focus on safely moving the work piece. The material for the spacer block was a 1/2" thick nylon material harvested from a cutting board courtesy of the local thrift store for a whopping fifty cents. Now the work light is much friendlier for both use cases.