One of the best places to see bighorn sheep at Ash Meadows NWR is Point of Rocks. Among the amenities for day use visitors is a viewpoint at the far end of the boardwalk. With viewing scopes to help see things considerably further than the naked eye. Especially big game that's particularly shy of humans.
On a recent stroll I spotted a bighorn on the ridge from the parking lot. Using vegetation cover along the boardwalk I was able to sneak out to the end for a better look. As I drew closer I noticed a second one. My phone camera couldn't capture them very well at that distance.
Not alone anyway. But holding the camera to an eyepiece helped enlarge the view considerably.
Here's a zoomed look at the ewe.
And the ram.
These pix aren't as good as a real camera of course. But here's the thing about good enough. Sometimes it is.